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All Means All | Littleton Public Schools

All Means All

"In LPS, we are committed to the ideal that all means all. All students -- regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, disability, twice exceptionality; students who are gifted, immigrants, English language learners, LGBTQ, homeless, poor, affluent; and those who may have social, emotional, behavioral, or academic challenges -- matter. All students are welcome in our schools."

In LPS, All Means All! (September 15, 2017)

LPS Equity Definition 

Equity in Littleton Public Schools requires putting systems in place to ensure that every child has access to success. That requires understanding the unique challenges and barriers faced by individual students or by populations of students and providing additional support to help them overcome those barriers. While this in itself may not ensure equal outcomes, we all should strive to ensure that every child has equal opportunity to be successful.  

Much has been made of the difference between equity and equality. While equality means treating every student the same, equity means making sure every student has the support they need to be successful. (Giving all students access to what they need when they need it.)

In practice, equity is…

  • Knowing students by name, strength and need
  • Knowing your background, experiences, and your conscious and unconscious biases and how these shape your actions and decisions 
  • Using data to identify and understand gaps and to create actionable responses
  • Listening to stories and seeking input 
  • Developing learning experiences and assessments without bias and that allow students to demonstrate understanding in differentiated ways
  • Providing all students with the opportunities and supports they need to succeed

CURO Celebration

LGBTQ+ Resources

Reporting Discrimination or Harassment

Support for Students with Disabilities

Littleton Public Schools complies with Title IX and the implementing regulations.  Sexual harassment is recognized as a form of sex discrimination and thus a violation of the laws which prohibit sex discrimination. A learning environment that is free from sexual harassment shall be maintained. It shall be a violation of LPS Board Policy for any staff member to sexually harass students or for students to sexually harass other students.

if you believe an individual has been sexually harassed that rises to the level of discrimination in violation of Title IX, please contact the District Title IX Coordinator, Melissa Cooper, mrcooper[at][dot]us, or complete the Title IX Complaint Form and submit it to this same email address. (Complaint Form in Spanish)

Employees that feel they have been sexually harassed should report allegations to Sheri Charles, Assistant Superintentent of Human Resources.

In accordance with LPS Board Policy AC, Nondiscrimination/Equal Opportunity, and its corresponding regulations, no discrimination on the basis of sex is permitted in the programs or activities LPS operates. If you believe an individual has been discriminated against based on their sex in violation of Title IX, you can file a formal complaint using the distirct Complaint Form. (Complaint Form in Spanish)

LPS Title IX Training

LPS Title IX Process