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Graduation | Littleton Public Schools


Graduation Requirements

Colorado legislation requires local school districts to adopt graduation expectations that meet or exceed the state guidelines for graduation. See LPS Board Policy IKF: Graduation Requirements. Colorado graduates must successfully complete the graduation course requirements for their high school, successfully complete the Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) process, and demonstrate competency in English and Mathematics.

What Do These Graduation Requirements Mean for LPS Students?

Students must successfully complete the graduation course requirements for their high school.

LPS provides a comprehensive high school experience where students have multiple opportunities to explore a variety of pathways of interest in addition to completing a rigorous core academic program. Successful completion of credit requirements represents mastery of the Colorado Academic Standards in several courses of study. Each high school provides information about its graduation course requirements in its Course Guide (you may find each course guide on the school websites).

Students must successfully complete the Individual Career & Academic Plan (ICAP) process.

The ICAP is a personalized career and academic planning process designed to help ensure academic success for each and every student. Every LPS graduate is required to complete the ICAP process. Quality Indicators on an ICAP include self-awareness, career awareness, postsecondary aspirations, environmental expectations, academic planning, employability skills and personal financial literacy.

Students must successfully demonstrate competency in English and Mathematics.

Graduates must demonstrate competency on at least one of the district adopted measures in both English and Mathematics. 



Image: Grad Competency Menu - Click for PDF

Image: Grad Competency Menu - Click for PDF

View and Download Graduation Competency Menu

Menú de Competencia de Graduación (Spanish)

Portrait of an LPS Graduate

School Should Inspire Students to Think About Their Futures

Tomorrow’s workers will succeed by constantly adapting to the changing world around them. Today’s students must begin by learning new life skills. More than 300 local industry leaders, teachers, community members, parents and students discussed what the priorities should be for LPS moving forward. Also, focus groups of LPS high school students shared their priorities and compiled the Portrait of an LPS Graduate, which outlines the skills every LPS graduate should have.

View and Download LPS Portrait of a Graduate

Retrato de un graduado de LPS (Spanish)


LPS Award-Winning High Schools

  • Nationally recognized for academic excellence
  • College preparatory, Advanced Placement, concurrent enrollment, career and technical education, comprehensive electives
  • Class of 2024 earned more than $70 million in college scholarships
  • Frequent National Merit Scholars, Presidential Scholars, Boettcher Scholars, Military Academy Appointments
  • Highly competitive in athletics, STEM and the performing arts

Learn more about the Colorado Graduation Guidelines

Visit the Colorado Department of Education's website to learn more about the process, the statewide timeline, and the CDE's approved Menu of Options.