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Transition Services | Littleton Public Schools

Transition Services

What is Transition Services?

LPS Transition Services is a community-based program that serves a wide range of students with disabilities who are 18-21 years of age. Services and supports for students are based on their individual needs and their long term goals and outcomes. Staff strive to encourage active participation in the students’ community including the areas of vocational training, functional life skills, access to appropriate public transportation, recreation and leisure activities, healthy relationships and other areas that support an appropriate and meaningful level of independence for each young adult in the program.

Outcomes should and do look different for each individual as they prepare for what is appropriate for their next stage in life. Creative instruction and access to community services are integrated throughout the student’s time in Transition Services. 

By exploring opportunities in their natural environment, students are more prepared for their adult life beyond their years in public schools. Our focus also encourages and supports family members in understanding and seeking resources from a myriad of community agencies that provide adult services. These partnerships are invaluable to our students and their families so they are best prepared for an effective and meaningful transition to their adult communities.

Main Office and Attendance Line


Coordinator, Special Education 
High Schools/Transition Services

Sara Nellis: 303-347-3466 or snellis[at][dot]us

Transition Services Administrative Assistant
Victoria Sun: 303-347-3449 or vsun[at][dot]us


6558 S Acoma Street
Littleton, Colorado 80120 

Program Hours

Monday  7:45 – 2:00
Tuesday  7:45 – 2:00       
Wednesday  7:45 – 1:00
Thursday  7:45 – 2:00     
Friday  7:45 – 2:00

Bell Schedule                   

7:45 a.m. – 8:55 a.m.

Mid Day
9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

12:05 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.