We would like to invite you to be on the Littleton Public Schools Post-Secondary Learning Advisory Committee (PSLAC). Your connection to post-secondary learning as a student, parent/guardian, instructional staff, administrator, counselor, or community member will be valued in this work.
We have made a lot of progress as a district in developing post-secondary learning opportunities, and we hope this advisory committee can continue to share and inform the perspectives of our community as we continue to grow. This committee does not report or present to the Board of Education, but rather reports to and advises district leadership.
The Post-Secondary Learning Advisory Committee (PSLAC) collects and shares community perspectives regarding post-secondary opportunities for students in LPS. The committee discusses current post-secondary issues, activities, and programs districtwide. In addition, the committee serves as a sounding board to district leadership.
The committee is charged with:
The Post-Secondary Learning Advisory Committee (PSLAC) is made up of representatives from every LPS high school and middle school, and members may include parents/guardians, community members, counselors, students, teachers, school administration and district staff. District residents may serve on PSLAC even if they do not have children in a district school. Nonresidents with students optionally enrolled in an LPS school may also serve on PSLAC.
The membership of the committee will be representative of the community’s ethnic and economic composition and will include persons of both sexes, insofar as possible.
There are seven (7) suggested categories of members:
Serving on the committee is not to be used for the profit, gain, or private interest of any individual. To maintain public confidence in the work of the committee and to prevent the use of serving on the committee for private gain, it is important for members of the committee to publicly disclose any potential conflict of interest.
PSLAC monthly meetings will be in person at the LPS Education Services Center, 5776 S. Crocker St. from 5:30 p.m.–7:00 p.m. on:
Tuesday, January 28
Thursday, February 20
Thursday, March 13
Tuesday, April 15
Thursday, April 29
CBA- Salary Credit for Committee Work. This article specifies which advisory committees are eligible for salary advancement credit. PSLAC could provide Salary Advancement Credit for this committee in alignment with the CBA.
Each person interested in becoming a member of the committee shall submit an application giving a brief background and statement of interest in post-secondary learning.
Resigning members shall notify the committee in April of each year, when possible.
Term limits will be put in place.
Additional guidance for PSLAC will be developed during its first year.