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Climate, Safety, & Wellness Surveys | Littleton Public Schools

Climate, Safety, & Wellness Surveys

Climate, Safety and Wellness Inventory

LPS utilizes anonymous surveys to help gather important information from students, staff and parents about the school environment and student health and wellness. Annual surveys are implemented with students in Grades 3–12. Students are given time in school to complete the survey but there is no penalty for choosing not to participate. Survey data is used to help LPS and individual schools with continuous improvement, adjusting programs and resources to meet the needs of students and to support inclusive and safe environments for everyone in the school community. Parents can opt their students out of the survey by submitting an opt-out form to their child's school. Parents/Guardians receive a link to access the Parent/Family survey through a communication directly from the child's school. 

The 2024-2025 Student Survey administration is between November 4 and December 13. 

2024–2025 Student Survey Questions   3rd-5th Student Survey 2024   6th-8th Student Survey 2024   9th-12th Student Survey 2024 

To opt your student out of the survey, please return this form in person or via email to your child's school by November 1, 2024:  Opt Out Form (English) / Opt Out Form (Spanish)